Claimed Scores 2024
  18 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

Recently claimed scores
14/06/24 UKSMG Summer Contest

Claimed scores for UKSMG Summer Contest

(18 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Bonus
Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SOF 1 DL2OM JO30 145 145,832 1006 58000 203,832 TA3RST 2053 750 5 El. Yagi This time a great long lasting opening on Sunday after some short outbreaks on Saturday.
6F 2 5B4AAB KM64 71 157,984 2225 32500 190,484 GI0EJU 3748 400 4ele    
MO 3 G4ANT/P JO02 126 105,521 837 56000 161,521 CN8VY 2159 1000 7 ele Very poor condition this year lack of E's on the Saturday, better on the Sunday. Seemed very little UK activity, bonus staions not many abou  
6F 4 SM3PZG JP93 69 115,910 1680 30500 146,410 DL8WN 2493 70 5 ele yagi    
6F 5 SM5EPO JP80 60 82,970 1383 20000 102,970 I2FAK 1752 200W 6el yagi  
MO 6 G4JBH IO80 51 54,490 1068 28000 82,490 SM2EKM 2232 1000 5 ele Dual    
SOF 7 Z33B KN01 38 53,125 1398 17500 70,625 PA3ALK 1774 100 4 ELL YAGI    
6F 8 G8ZRE IO83 38 42,864 1128 21000 63,864 LY4MO/P 1794 100 3 ELEMENT YAGI AT 10 AGL 30M ASL. This contest hard to score Good number of DX stations worked. Lets hope after much effort that log is correct.Stns no serial 000 in log.Dave
6F 9 TA3NEM KM38 30 47,173 1572 15500 62,673 F8ATS 2289 35 Dipol Antenna I built my antenna on Sunday afternoon and had a great time.  
MO 10 PF5X JO21 28 31,229 1115 22500 53,729 EA5/PA5JF 1851 100 Moxon    
6F 11 G4NBS JO02 27 24,974 925 20000 44,974 CN8VY 2104 250 5ele Dire activity and flat condx Sat, better Sunday but all the Dx was on FT8 unfortunately. We need to find where all the microphones are!
SOF 12 G8VPE JO02 13 14,823 1140 11000 25,823 IK7EOT 1807 90 Wire Dipole    
6F 13 TA3RST KM38 9 13,655 1517 6000 19,655 DL2OM 2053 35 Dipol Antenna  
SOF 14 DK6OC JO31 11 10,997 1000 6500 17,497 LZ1YE 1692 80 Moxon Dual 6/4    
6F 15 G3YRZ JO02 3 3,046 1015 5000 8,046 EA5NW 1586 100 Indoor Vert Mox Vertical Moxon in attic beaming West! Condx very poor and high noise, was better a few days before and after contest. E was very Sporadic!  
6F 16 DL8WAA JO30 3 3,099 1033 3000 6,099 LZ1YE 1593 100 40m dipole    
QRP 17 G0OIW/P IO91 2 140 70 2500 2,640 M1L 85 5 Dipole Local wideband QRM (despite being in a nature reserve) + flat condx = disaster. My first UK6MG contest, so not a good start.  
6F 18 DL7AUO JO62 1 1,069 1069 1000 2,069 G8ZRE 1069 150 Dipol    

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